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Lista de comprobación para la preparación de envíos

Como parte del proceso de envío, los autores/as están obligados a comprobar que su envío cumpla todos los elementos que se muestran a continuación. Se devolverán a los autores/as aquellos envíos que no cumplan estas directrices.
  • El texto está a doble espacio; utiliza una fuente de 12 puntos; emplea cursiva, en lugar de subrayado (excepto con direcciones URL); y todas las ilustraciones, figuras y tablas se colocan dentro del texto en los puntos apropiados.
  • El texto se adhiere a los requisitos estilísticos y bibliográficos descritos en las Pautas para autores a continuación.
  • El envío no ha sido publicado previamente, ni está ante otra revista para su consideración (o se ha proporcionado una explicación en Comentarios al editor).
  • El archivo de envío está en formato de archivo de documento OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF o WordPerfect.
  • Cuando estaban disponibles, se proporcionaron las URL de las referencias.
  • A

  • All submitted manuscripts must be in accord with the ICZN and ICBN.

Directrices para autores/as


1. The Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia (RBP) is an official publication of the Sociedade Brasileira de Paleontologia (SBP), whose goal is to publish original scientific papers of broad interest in the field of Paleontology.

2. All submitted manuscripts must be in accord with the ICZN and ICBN.

3. Manuscripts may be written in Portuguese, Spanish, or English. Articles in Portuguese or Spanish must include an English abstract.

4. Manuscripts may be up to 40 typed, double-spaced pages (A4 or standard letter size) in length, including illustrations and bibliography. For papers exceeding this limit, the editorial team should be enquired.

5. All authors' Institutional addresses, email, and ORCID (with full URL) should be provided. Indicate the corresponding author with an asterisk.

6. When submitting a manuscript, a cover letter to the editor must be sent, containing indications of potential reviewers with expertise in the paper's subject and conflicts of interest, among other things.

7. The first page should begin with the title, author's name, and the complete address (both postal and electronic), followed by the English abstract, Portuguese abstract, full text, references, and illustrations. 
The manuscript title is centralized, in upper case, in font size 14, and in bold type. 
The author's name is in upper case, font size 10, centralized. Author addresses in lower case, font size 10, centralized. Other titles in the text are in upper case and centralized. Subtitles are in lowercase, bold, and left-aligned. The abstract and resume should not exceed 20 lines, in a single paragraph, with no citations, and should be followed by up to six keywords and palavras-chave, respectively, introduced by colon and separated by commas, according to the following example:

Palavras-chave: radiolários, sistemática, micropaleontologia, Cretáceo, Brasil.

Keywords: radiolarians, systematics, micropaleontology, Cretaceous, Brazil.

Please provide an abbreviated title for the manuscript. For articles in Portuguese or Spanish, the English translation of the title in lowercase letters, in bold, should follow the word Abstract and be directly followed by the abstract's text. Submit only the digital files of text, tables, and illustrations. Text and tables must be in Word for Windows, Times New Roman font with a font size 12. The text should be double-spaced and left-aligned, with margins of 2.5 cm on all sides. Each illustration and table must be sent in a separate digital file.

8. All graphic illustrations, photographs, and photomicrographs should be referred to as Figures, including plates, and numbered sequentially in the order of their citation in the text. Color figures can be used at no additional cost. The figures should be submitted at the size they are to appear in the journal: maximum width 8 cm (one column) or 17 cm (two columns). Elaboration of the figures making the most economical use of the available space is strongly recommended. Avoid the use of frames and excessive blank space between the parts of a figure. Figures must be submitted in high quality, with digital files (jpg or tiff) of at least 300 dpi (at final publication size).
9. Captions and symbols of figures and tables should be in Arial font and of an appropriate size to allow legibility in eventual reduced size. Oversized illustrations will not be accepted. Images within a composite figure should be identified using capital letters, in Arial font (A, B, C...). All symbols must be explained. Graphic scales should be placed inside the figures. All captions must be sent separately at the end of the text. Captions in Portuguese or Spanish should also include an English translation. Avoid the excessive use of text over photos, always using the Arial font.

10. Bibliographic citations within the text should be made as follows: Costa (1999), Costa & Silva (1992a, b), and for three or more authors, Costa et al. (2000). Cite several articles in chronological order and separated by semicolons: (Silva, 1999, 2000; Silva et al., 2002; Souza, 2004).

11. Please provide the Digital Object Identifier System (DOI) number for all the references for which it is available, as follows: doi:10.4072/2006.2.7

12. References should be listed alphabetically by the last name of the first author at the end of the text. If there is more than one article by the same author, they should be sorted in chronological order if there are no other authors, or in alphabetical order according to the second author's name, and so on. Do not separate references with blank lines. The following models should be used:

Articles in periodicals:

Piovesan, E.K.; Bergue, C.T. & Fauth, G. 2010. New ostracode species from the Upper Cretaceous of the Santos Basin, Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia, 13:175–180. doi:10.4072/rbp.2010.3.02

Simões, M.G.; Rodrigues, S.C. & Kowalewski, M. 2007. Comparative analysis of drilling frequencies in Recent brachiopod-mollusk associations from the southern Brazilian shelf. Palaios, 22:143–154. doi:10.2110/palo.2006.p06-040r

Articles in serial publications:

Price, L.I. 1953. Os quelônios da Formação Bauru, Cretáceo terrestre do Brasil Meridional. Rio de Janeiro, Departamento Nacional da Produção Mineral, Divisão de Geologia e Mineralogia, 34 p. (Boletim 147).

Vicalvi, M.A.; Kotzian, S.C.B. & Forti-Esteves, I.R. 1977. A ocorrência de microfauna estuarina no Quaternário da plataforma continental de São Paulo. In: Evolução Sedimentar Holocênica da Plataforma Continental e do Talude do Sul do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, CENPES/DINTEP, p. 77–97 (Série Projeto REMAC 2).

Dissertations and theses:

Morais, M.H.C. 1998. Equinóides regulares da Formação Pirabas (Oligo-Mioceno), Pará, Brasil - Sistemática, Tafonomia e Paleoecologia. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, M.Sc. thesis, 69 p.

Publications appearing in conjunction with scientific meetings:

Dias-Brito, D. 1992. Ocorrências de calcisferas em depósitos carbonáticos do Atlântico Sul: impacto na configuração paleoceanográfica do Tétis Cretácico. In: SIMPÓSIO SOBRE AS BACIAS CRETÁCICAS BRASILEIRAS, 2, 1992. Resumos expandidos, Rio Claro, UNESP, p. 30–34.


Taylor, T.N. & Taylor, E.L. 1993. The Biology and Evolution of Fossil Plants. 1st ed. Nova Jersey, Prentice Hall, 982 p.

Chapters in books:

Ostrom, J.H. 1992. Dromaeosauridae. In: D.B. Weishampel; P. Dodson & H. Osmólska (eds.) The Dinosauria, University of California Press, p. 269–279.


Rees, T. 2021. The interim register of marine and nonmarine genera. Available at https://www.irmng.org; accessed on MM/DD/YYYY.

13. If the reference has 10 or more authors, write the name of the first author followed by et al., as in the example below:

Simion, P. et al. 2017. A large and consistent phylogenomic dataset supports sponges as the sister group to all other animals. Current Biology, 27:958–967. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2017.02.031

14. Manuscripts will be reviewed by at least two ad hoc referees and/or by the Editors or members of the Editorial Council.

15. Articles accepted for publication will be returned to the corresponding author together with a list of editorial recommendations. The corrected version of the text (doc) and images (jpeg or tiff) should be returned to RBP in electronic format.

16. Proofs of accepted papers will be sent to the corresponding author for correction prior to printing.


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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.