Vol. 18 No. 2 (2015): Artigos

Devonian Tentaculitoidea of Ponta Grossa Formation, Paraná Basin: Description and some Taphonomic Aspects
Marcela Mederos Fregatto & Cristina Silveira Vega
The fossil continental mollusks in the upper freshwater molasse (Middle Miocene) of the districts of Biberach, Ravensburg and Neu-Ulm, Germany
Rodrigo B. Salvador, Volker J. Sach & Bárbara L. Valentas-Romera
The Lower Miocene cytherellids (Crustacea, Ostracoda) from the Pelotas Basin and their significance for the South Atlantic Paleozoogeography
Raquel de Mattos Manica, Cristianini Trescastro Bergue & João Carlos Coimbra
Phytophagy on fossil ferns from Argentina (Palo Pintado Formation, Late Miocene): a review of their fossil record and ichnotaxonomy
Juan M. Robledo, Laura C. Sarzetti & Luisa M. Anzótegui
Peat-forming environment of coal-bearing permian sediments in Kachinapalli area of Godavari Graben, India
Neerja Jha & Neha Aggarwal
A new lycophyte miospore species from the Middle Jurassic of Iran
Firoozeh Hashemi-Yazdi, Freshteh Sajjadi & Afsaneh Dehbozorgi
Late Neogene Elasmobranch Fauna From The Coquimbo Formation, Chile
Felipe Staig, Sebastián Hernández, Patricio López, Jaime A.Villafaña, Cristian Varas, Luis Patricio Soto & Jorge D. Carrillo-Briceño
Underground chamber systems excavated by cenozoic ground sloths in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Heinrich Theodor Frank, Camila Eliza Althaus, Erik Martins Dario, Fernando Rubbo Tramontina, Rafael Marquezam Adriano, Mariana De Lima Almeida, Gabriela Feiten Ferreira, Rafaela Nogueira & Rogério Breier
Post mortem modifications (pseudopaleopathologies) in middle-late Pleistocene mammal fossils from southern Brazil
Renato Pereira Lopes & Jorge Ferigolo
Quistes de dinoflagelados y polen asociado del Cretácico Inferior (Formación Springhill) de la Cuenca Austral, Plataforma Continental Argentina
Verónica Guler, Lorena Berbach, Ana Archangelsky & Sergio Archangelsky
Megafauna do Pleistoceno final de Matina, Bahia, Brasil: sistemática, cronologia e paleoecologia
Leonardo Souza Lobo, Carolina Saldanha Scherer & Mário André Trindade Dantas
Primeira ocorrência de Gomphotheriidae no município de Irauçuba, Ceará, Brasil
Gina Cardoso de Oliveira, Maria Somália Sales Viana & Edison Vicente Oliveira