Two new species of Dictyozamites (Bennettitales) from the Rhaetic Kalariz Formation, North of Iran


  • Javad Saadatnejad Geology Department, Exploration Directorate, National Iranian Oil Company, Seoul St, Sheikh-Bahaie Sq, Tehran, Iran.



Dictyozamites barnardi sp. nov. and Dictyozamites fakhri sp. nov. are the second and third species of Dictyozamites to be described from Iran and the Middle East. They derive from the Rhaetic Kalariz Formation (Shemshak Group) of the Ramsar area, Alborz Mountains, North of Iran. Dictyozamites barnardi sp. nov. is distinguished especially by the short and curved to strongly falcate pinnae
and clearly auriculate bases and Dictyozamites fakhri sp. nov. is distinguished particularly by its long, slightly falcate and very elongated
triangular pinnae, opposite to sub opposite pinnae position and clearly auriculate.

Keywords: Dictyozamites, Rhaetian, Kalariz Formation, Iran.

RESUMO – Dictyozamites barnardi sp. nov. e Dictyozamites fakhri sp. nov. são a segunda e terceira espécies de Dictyozamites a serem descritas para o Irã e o Oriente Médio. Elas derivam da Formação Kalariz (Grupo Shemshak, Rético) da área de Ramsar, Alborz Mountains, Norte do Irã. Dictyozamites barnardi sp. nov. distingue-se especialmente pelas pinas curtas e curvas a fortemente falcadas e bases claramente auriculadas e Dictyozamites fakhri sp. nov. distingue-se particularmente pelas suas pinas triangulares longas, ligeiramente falcadas e muito alongadas, opostas à posição das pinas subpostas e claramente auriculadas.

Palavras-chave: Dictyozamites, Rético, Formação Kalariz, Irã.


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How to Cite

Saadatnejad, J. (2022). Two new species of Dictyozamites (Bennettitales) from the Rhaetic Kalariz Formation, North of Iran. Revista Brasileira De Paleontologia, 25(2), 135–143.