Shallow marine trace-fossils from the Middle Miocene of the Tebessa Basin (NE Algeria) and their paleoenvironmental implications


  • Abdelhakim Benkhedda Laboratory of Sedimentary Environment, Mineral and Hydric resources of Eastern Algeria, Department of Geology, University of Larbi Tebessi, Algeria.
  • Nabil Defaflia Laboratory of Sedimentary Environment, Mineral and Hydric resources of Eastern Algeria, Department of Geology, University of Larbi Tebessi, Algeria.
  • Amine Cherif Laboratory of Geology of Sahara, Department of Sciences of the Earth and The Universe, University of Ouargla, Algeria.
  • Mohammed Nadir Naimi Laboratory of Geology of Sahara, Department of Sciences of the Earth and The Universe, University of Ouargla, Algeria.
  • El-Hadi Mazouz University of Larbi-Ben-M’Hidi, 04000, Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria.
  • Arturo Palma-Ramírez Doctorado en Ciencias en Biodiversidad y Conservación, Área Académica de Biología. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Ciudad del Conocimiento, Carretera Pachuca-Tulancingo km 4.5, 42184, Pachuca, Hidalgo, Mexico.



The northeastern part of Algeria is characterized by Meso–Cenozoic fossiliferous deposits. All the previous studies have been focused on invertebrate and vertebrate body fossils from this region. In the present paper we provide the first ichnological study from the region of Ouenza, Tebessa Wilaya (northeastern Algeria). An ichnoassemblage composed of eight ichnotaxa, namely cf. Archaeonassa isp., Arenicolites isp., Diplocraterion isp., Helminthopsis isp., Palaeophycus tubularis, Skolithos cf. linearis, cf. Taenidium isp., and Thalassinoides
isp., reported from the lower Langhian (Middle Miocene) of Aïn Sidi Salah locality (Tebessa Basin) is discussed. These trace-fossils belong to the Skolithos and proximal Cruziana ichnofacies indicating deposition within a shallow marine (littoral). The large size of Thalassinoides suggests well oxygenated setting, under moderate- to high-energy conditions, with occasional storm events.

Keywords: trace-fossils, paleoenvironments, shallow marine, Middle Miocene, Tebessa.

RESUMO – A parte nordeste da Argélia é caracterizada por depósitos fossilíferos do Meso–Cenozoico. Todos os estudos anteriores foram
focados em fósseis corporais de invertebrados e vertebrados desta região. Neste artigo,  apresentamos o primeiro estudo icnológico da região de Ouenza, Tebessa Wilaya (nordeste da Argélia). Discute-se aqui a associação de icnofósseis composta por oito icnotáxons, identificados
como cf. Archaeonassa isp., Arenicolites isp., Diplocraterion isp., Helminthopsis isp., Palaeophycus tubularis, Skolithos cf. linearis, cf. Taenidium isp. e Thalassinoides isp., reportados para o Langiano inferior (Mioceno Médio) na localidade de Aïn Sidi Salah (Bacia de Tebessa). Os icnofósseis representam a icnofácies Skolithos e Cruziana proximal, indicando uma deposição em um contexto marinho raso (litoral). O expressivo tamanho de Thalassinoides sugere um cenário bem oxigenado e condições de alta energia, com eventos ocasionais de tempestades.

Palavras-chave: icnofósseis, paleoambientes, mar raso, Mioceno Médio, Tebessa.


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How to Cite

Benkhedda, A., Defaflia, N., Cherif, A., Naimi, M. N., Mazouz, E.-H., & Palma-Ramírez, A. (2022). Shallow marine trace-fossils from the Middle Miocene of the Tebessa Basin (NE Algeria) and their paleoenvironmental implications . Revista Brasileira De Paleontologia, 24(4), 323–335.