About the Journal

Submission Guidelines

The submission guidelines for articles, as well as the editorial procedures, are the same of Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia, which can be accessed in the RBP electronic site: https://sbpbrasil.org/publications/index.php/rbp/about/submissions.

The submission of notes will follow the same general guidelines as for articles but limited to two figures and 2000 words including title, authors, addresses, references, captions, and tables. The text should be written in a single section with keywords and references. The editorial process should be fast and the publication quicker.

For special volumes related to conferences promoted by SBP, the organizing committee will be free to develop its own guidelines, including the possibility of publishing articles, expanded abstracts or notes, and simple abstracts.

The guidelines for the regular volume of abstracts published in the Regional Meetings of Paleontology - PALEOs, promoted by SBP, can be found as follow:

- Abstracts must be written in Portuguese, English or Spanish and must represent original results, even if in progress.

- Title: Must express exactly the content of the abstract, limited to 200 characters (including spaces), and written in Times New Roman 12, uppercase, centered.

- Authors: All names (first name abbreviated, last name in full) in Times New Roman 10, with superscript number indicating affiliation, separated by semicolon, centered.

- Affiliation: Institutional address of authors (institution, department and address separated by commas). Address of the authors separated by period, in sequence, in Times New Roman 10, centered. Below address, the author(s) e-mail address(es) in italics, separated by comma (in case of more than one author), in Times New Roman 10, centered.


- Core Text: The text should have a maximum of 350 words, justified and single spaced, written in Times New Roman 12. The abstract in the version sent for evaluation by the Scientific Board should be presented with a single paragraph. The authors should follow a clear and objective writing style, beginning with an overview of the subject, objectives, methods, and obtained results. Genera and species should be written in italics, invariably. Do not include bibliographical references in the core text, and the citation of new names for taxa not yet formally described will not be allowed.

- Funding: List the acronyms (never in full) of funding agencies/bodies, written in Times New Roman 12, at the end of the text (in sequence), in brackets.


Publishing costs

Paleodest is free of charge for SBP members all up to date with their annual fee. Researchers who are not members of SBP must pay a fee related to layout costs (R$ 150,00 for articles, R$ 80,00 for notes and R$ 30,00 for abstracts). The responsibility and layout costs for special volumes, from conferences promoted by SBP, will be under the responsibility of the organizing committee.



 The main objective of the Boletim Paleontologia em Destaque is the dissemination of research being carried out in national paleontology and the discussion of the main problems related to paleontology in Brazil and worldwide. The aim is to provide a new space for publication, especially for SBP members, of topics that are beyond the scope of the Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia, but that have deep relevance to the Brazilian paleontological community.


Peer review process

Papers will be initially evaluated by the editorial board that will assess the relevance of their publication in Paleodest. Subsequently, they will be evaluated by at least two external reviewers and should be recommended for publication.


Open Access Policy

Paleodest provides free access to its content, implying that all its publications are freely available on the internet, and can be read, copied, downloaded, distributed, printed by all people. Paleodest believes in the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Those who publish in Paleodest are allowed to deposit all versions of their work in any institutional repository, on their personal pages and on academic or personal social networks. The only condition is to mention the original source and, preferably, to provide a link to access the published version with DOI.


Privacy Policy

Names and e-mail addresses, as well as other personal data, entered on the Paleodest's website will be used solely for the stated purposes and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


Code of Ethics

Boletim Paleontologia em Destaque adheres to the Code of Ethics of the Brazilian Society of Paleontology, available at https://sbpbrasil.org/codigo-de-etica/, and expects all authors, reviewers, editors, and others involved in its publications to follow these parameters of ethical behavior.